Bright parents read with their KIDS.
Bright kids READ.
...and it all begins with BOOKS.
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Look for the unique reference to Tulsa in each of these titles.
They make a great gift for your favorite people.
For your child, for a friend's baby shower, for your local or school library...or maybe for YOU?
Fraidy-Frieda's Light Show
Frieda the dog is terrified of thunderstorms! Her friend Dexter the mouse coaches her through a storm and reveals a special secret. Illustrated, 34 pages. Ebook: $9.99, Paperback: $10.95,Hardcover: $18.95.
Amazon: Ebook Paperback Hardcover
Barnes & Noble: Paperback Hardcover
ISBN13 Paperback: 978-0-9743890-7-3
ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-0-9743890-8-0
Li'l Jack's Blackjack
After finding a mysterious message carved in a tree, Li'l Jack and Daddy take the reader on a Green Country adventure, exploring Tulsa, Oklahoma parks, trees and history. Illustrated, 34 pages. Ebook: $9.99, Paperback: $10.95, Hardcover: $18.95.
Buy me in: Ebook Paperback Hardcover
Barnes & Noble: Paperback Hardcover
ISBN13 Paperback: 978-0-9743890-5-9
ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-0-9743890-6-6
Even though they'd never met Grandma, the grandkids realize they have known her all along - when they leaf through Mommy's scrapbook. Illustrated, 30 pages. Ebook: $9.99, Paperback: $10.95, Hardcover: $18.95.
Buy me in: Ebook Paperback Hardcover
Barnes & Noble: Paperback Hardcover
ISBN13 Paperback: 978-0-9743890-3-5
ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-0-9743890-4-2
Justo Como La Abuela
A pesar de que nunca habían conocido la abuela, los nietos se dan cuenta que la han conocido a lo largo - cuando miran a través del libro de recuerdos de mamá. Ebook: $9.99, Paperback: $10.95, Hardcover: $18.95.
Barnes & Noble: Paperback Hardcover
ISBN13 Paperback: 978-0-9969498-0-4
ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-0-9743890-9-7
Comme Grand-Maman
Même si elles ne avais jamais rencontré grand-mère, les petits-enfants se rendent compte qu'ils la connaissent - quand ils regardent l'album de maman. Ebook: $9.99, Paperback: $10.95, Hardcover: $18.95.
Barnes & Noble: Paperback Hardcover
ISBN13 Paperback: 978-0-9969498-2-8
ISBN13 Hardcover: 978-0-9969498-1-1
We're all looking for something different. And when you find it, you know.
I hope you've found it here and enjoy these books as much as I enjoyed creating them.
A unique gift for any special bedtime with your children.
- t. lynn jax